I have been flying with Turkish Airlines on my basin list for a long time.
As a Star Alliance Group component, I have seen various explorers that Turkish Airlines has top Turkish friendships and administration. Also, I have heard that they provide free companionship for late visitors who fly with them. The company can go from a free day trip through Istanbul to their travel shelter.
When I realized that I had been recognized for attending the Social Travel Summit Blogger gathering in Ravenna and that Emilia Romagna Tourism Load would support my meeting's cost, I searched the planes. I was excited to see a schedule for the Turkish airline's economy class. It was the worst design schedule, yet I needed my insight and observation of Turkish airlines! At the moment, I don’t know if it was a smart thought.
The flight course I took is not for the weak will. I will arrange 40 overall items during the trip. Turkey Air's new Istanbul Air Terminal will take 13 hours from Istanbul to San Francisco, Italy, and 15 hours from Lever. I fit the bill for a free road trip in Istanbul or Turkish Air Free Istanbul, Sara Iyer, for the hospitality of Turkish Airlines.
If you have seen my recordings, you will realize that I have probably agreed to delay travel days with a long switch. From trains, different vehicles, or planes, I consider all these objects as their movement. I needed to make this trip; I was optimistic!
Turkish Airlines Economy Class Review
They have feelings about each carrier. Long-stretched planes are never the ideal condition for aircraft surveying. Most explorers don't recognize tall planes and randomly discover them, but you can get aerial administration statues and bottles without any hassle. Some flights are smooth, and others are good ... mm.
Things that I like about flying in the economy class of Turkish Airlines
Turkish Air Meals are tasty:
When eating at Turkish Airlines, you get an integrated menu of your choices. I think this will be the case with Star Alliance because I have noticed that other Star Alliance airlines additionally give you food menus.
You can pre-request any VG lover / Hindu food and find the food enjoyable. My first feast in Istanbul from San Francisco was for Hindu veggie lovers, Indian rice with Turkish fish (and I used to cook turkey-cooked vegetables mixed with ice). It has felt enough, sadly dear and full. On the second flight from Istanbul to Bologna, I had more food on my Turkish Airlines VG boyfriend's Turkish food line.

Wine supplement:
The wine was extra respectable. I think planes like Korean Airlines are doing it too, but I was a bit shocked. If I like wine and are humble, it will be a massive reward for Turkish Airlines.
In-flight accommodation toilet bag:
Turkish Airlines gives you the bags you need for the flight. Most of the things you can jump into on a premier flight (for example, eyelids, earplugs, shoes). Simultaneously, the material nature seems ideal; you need to discover socks, toothbrush/toothpaste, veggie lover lip painkillers, and an incredible quality extra. Will. To be able to. Modification pack In-flight layout packs are the best and the best.
Bravo Turkish Airlines has been searching for everything since the beginning!

Complete entertainment:
The Turkish Airlines-in-flight theater setup has been enhanced with a USB port to charge things like your cell phone. This diversion comfort is worldwide for Hollywood motion pictures and semi-recent distributions, so if you don’t think you’ve been in the auditorium for half a century, you’re missing out on a great opportunity.

Corresponding luggage for worldwide flights
Gear requirements for economy class on an international flight, you will be allowed to carry two bits of a 2 kg / 50-pound gauging bag. It's a ton. Although the weight is considerable, the business class has a comparative recovery.
For luggage requirements, you will be allowed a single item, for example, one-piece, 55 kg 40x23 cm 8 kg, satchel, camera, umbrella (no stained edges).
Do Turkish Airlines have free WiFi?
Okay ... okay, yes and no. Economy class of Turkish Airlines has requested to give 10 MB free WiFi. You need to sign up to participate in the board before you can be part of the current Miles and Smile Classic (Turkish Airlines Mileage Program) or get encouraged. 10 MB is not something you have the option to download or shoot an email or sign in to your Facebook account. Other than that, WiFi costs 9.99 per hour. 14.99 for a 24-hour bundle. I tried to get 10MB ready for free, but the drop-down settings didn’t give me this WiFi choice in the US, so I couldn’t get on WiFi, but they actually took my email and gave me the milestones and smiles to the baggers who took part in Turkish Airlines.
Leo Hospitality and Turkish Airlines Free Transit Hotel
Interestingly, you can get a free travel trip from Turkish Airlines (e.g., stay up to 2 days) or a road trip in Istanbul to qualify. Moving to Istanbul for 15 hours gives me the strength to meet all the free scripture requirements in Istanbul.
Things that I don't care for about flying in economy class of Turkish Airlines
Dodge Boeing 777-300er on significant distance flights
Boeing 7 777-300 ER ... I actually didn't know about the sort of airplane. Consume that name in your memory to dodge the plane. The Boeing 7-37-300s is a twofold motor, a wide-bodied aircraft that can fit 314 to 396 travelers. For economy class travelers, the ER variant methods there are 365 seats here, the majority of which have sunk into the economy. These planes are flying sardine jars. These seats won't offer economy class comfort except if you overhaul.
Upon my return, I was confused with "my better half and kids" and was dropped off at a takeoff column walkway (I am an independent voyager; however, the registration work area questioned me for some time since they were so anxious to locate my missing family.) Tried). Obviously, the leave column walkway seat was a tremendous contrast in solace.
Something else, these seats are horrendous. Why?
Columns of three seats (and one medium or seat by the window)
My flight was sold out, so all the seats were full. I had a seat by the window and couldn't switch. What I don't tally with the economy class of Turkish Airlines of Boeing 7 777-300 airplane is that the seats are isolated into columns of three seats (3-3-3). For wing-side travelers, a three-seater column resembles stalling out in the center of a four-seater line. On the off chance that you are not on an island, you are landlocked. On the off chance that you are in a seat by the window, you are totally impeded. Your smartest option all through the flight is to hold a seat in the center column, where just one core is sandwiched with two aisle seats. Try not to take this flight if you are claustrophobic or have awful knees or back.

Seat space shrinks
Fierce. Unpleasant. Never. China Eastern Airlines has just entered the stepping stool.
Of the Lions ’fate that passengers don’t care for long-haul flights, do they have to go the extra mile to reduce the airport's discomfort? As much as I doubt it. For large airlines, these seats are the equivalent of a cow tree, if not closer to a home space or opportunity. Seats are limited to 18 ″ width, which reduces the chance that your neighbor traveler will need to use the armrest. The pitch of 31-32 is understandable when you lean on the back of the passenger before eating, and the table plate falls on your stomach for all purposes and purposes (and I have no extra punch to get inside). I have to tilt the seat to make room for myself to eat. The moment you watch my video, that's why the food audit section of that flight was dropped.
I have terrible problems in my back and knees.
Even though seat ergonomics aren’t horrible, my knees and sciatica were severely disturbed, sitting in a confined seat to develop some extra space at a particular stage. I unexpectedly stood on the premise that my body was becoming nuts inside itself. I stood next to the washroom for about two hours, keeping my feet back, just to try not to get back in my seat.
By and the instability of large travelers
Economy class travelers through the washroom were intrigued by the trend of long leg breaks. It is similar to a smoking parlor.
Travelers become less accommodating.
Just as the seat separates travelers like animals, travelers reduce their behavior by behaving like them, naturally fighting for comfort, and working without worrying about neighbors. I had a seat in the window and 5'8. I have no foggy idea that I had the most horrible idea about me or the young woman sandwiched between me and the more experienced Ed English woman who wouldn’t let us go to the washroom to avoid our seat. People had to move. Luckily I have long legs ... Who are these people ?!
But there is more, so keep good content.
Turkish Air Flight Attendants
I really wanted to like Turkish Air hospitality. Overall, I know Turkish culture as a lot of hospitality (even living in Turkey makes you feel VIP). But my flight lacks hospitality service.
Flight attendants are patient but extremely slow in moving to the food tree. Do not remove trays after coffee and tea after eating. In the meantime, your tray has pinned you to your poorly compressed seat. There are more:
Some passengers did not wait for the flight attendants to get off the train. I saw a passenger make a pile of metal food trays in the flight attendant's galley during a commotion. No attempt was made by the passengers to be polite or polite about this.
I don't remember a single flight attendant watching the water float except during meals and mealtimes. If you need hydropower, you have to go to the galley and self-serve. At one point, the flight attendant galley was so unexpected that a few passengers started throwing stones at the whole water bottle.
Turkish Air's Mileage Rewards Program
I can't say that the rewards program for Turkish Air is better than any other carrier. I strictly signed up for Miles and Smiles for a 10MB bonus during my flight internet (so I didn’t get access). But then, when I used my new subscription, I shamelessly put a few miles on it and then forgot my password. Big mistake.
If you forget your password, you will be locked out until you call customer service in Turkey.
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